Wednesday, 18 May 2022

5 Easy Scrapbook Cards

 Hello my dear crafting community,

I am please to inform you that I have made some super amazing card ideas which are very much suitable in making scrapbook. As we all know at the beginning we get super confused about the scrapbook base, design, content and then the cards. In my personal experience whenever I start making scrapbook I have to go through all of this brain storming. Well it's an lovely process of creating scrapbook. Let us move toward the 5 easy scrapbook card ideas which I had thought of sharing with you all.

Here are 5 name and link of the cards.

Combined Video link -

Individual Videos

1) Multi Photo Pop Up Card -

2) Swing Pop Up Card -

3) Push Pull Fall Card -

4) Slide Pop Up Card -

5) Hideout Card -

 In this above videos I have mentioned every small details of card making and its required materials. I am sure if you came across this post then surely you will check the videos and you will love them all. Also I hope the above card ideas will enhance you scrapbook overall look and will turn out pretty.

This will be the end of my today's post, I will come back with another post soon, and one more thing if you like my work then please don't forget to subscribe my YouTube channel and like my Facebook page.

Thank you, I am signing off, bye bye !!

Srushti Patil